Friday, 23 April 2010

Continental Travel Contact MTB tyres

Friday 23rd April
Got in a bit of training last night and cycled from my house to Percy's the long way round. 15 miles- ish in total - 75mins not bad going, helped though by some slicker tyres. I actually feel like i am moving rather than the big tractor tyres i had sticking to the tarmac! Cycling along the paths beside Alverstoke creek i saw my first Bat of the year.

It was my 41st in the holidays and i was given a book containing the work of the photographer Giacomo Brunelli. I saw his work in the photographer's gallery, London and immediately was hooked by his style, subject matter and presentation. If i had the money i'd buy a print or two...

I understand birders can have lists of all types. Year lists, county lists, patch lists, UK list , life list, work list, garden list etc... I have a vague recollection of what has visited our garden...which isn't a huge amount being a long terraced garden in the city but we have had some birds of note, especially with the winter weather bringing in fieldfare and redwing. This week we had a couple of fly overs of note, a heron flying extremely low until it was mobbed by a herring gull and a pair of displaying sparrowhawk.

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